fredag 9 september 2011

First part in Big Mouth & Ugly Girl

The book begins very suddenly when two men pick Matt up during school. I think it´s a good opening because it makes you intrested when something happens directly. I expected that something bad was going to happen to Matt, and that Ursula and Matt would be brought together somehow. I think it´s realistic that something like this could happen, even in Sweden, only not so extrem.

Matt is a big mouth. He easily makes people laugh, and sometimes he says stuff whitout thinking. He´s popular and a very good writer.

Ursula is a big girl, very athletic and strong. She plays for the school basketball team, and doesn´t care about "girlstuff". She doesn´t have many friens and don´t care what people say about her. She calls herself ugly girl.

The chapters switch from being about Matt to Ursula and back again. When it´s about Ursula it´s in a "me/I" perspective, and when it´s about Matt it´s "he", he´s not telling the story himself. It´s more realistic in "me/I" perspectiv, but there can only be one "me/I", or else you can´t see the difference between the chapters.

1 kommentar:

  1. Good catch on the difference between the two narrators telling the story in the different chapters, Lisa!
