The book begins, as Tilda already told, that two men came for Matt. I think the author choose this way to introduce the book to the reader, to catch the reader’s attention. The first chapter is written from Matt’s perspective. When I read the first chapter I wanted to know why the cops were coming for Matt. In the end of the first chapter when Matt wonder why they came for him. One of the cops is answering “Son, you know why we’re here”.
When I read the first chapter I wanted to know what was happening next, and it’s a good thing, at least from the author’s perspective. That make me, and perhaps students all over the world, wanted to read the next chapter too.
I expect the rest of the book keep the same standard as the first chapter.
I do agree with you, Frida, that the intro of the story was catching and really made you curious as a reader. Good thoughts!